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Seven Levels of Closeness to God

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2023 7:06 pm
by jcorrales1
Introduction -

How close are you to God? How close do you want to be? Perhaps a better question would be how close do you dare to be? I believe that there are different levels of closeness to God. Each provides a greater level of satisfaction with an equal measure of responsibility. The more intimate we are with our maker, the more is required of us. Most believers would envy the level that people like Moses, Abraham, Ezekiel, Isaiah and others had. However, if they were aware of what price was necessitated by this sort of intimacy, they would certainly think twice.

Yet we all want to be closer to God. We want our prayers answered and our petitions granted. We want to be able to avoid stumbling blindly through life and would appreciate enlightenment by our creator. We all would love to get more from our relationship with our maker I am sure. But are you willing to pay the price? That price may differ from person to person and what God requires of me may differ quite greatly from what he will demand of you. Whatever the cost, we will have to be prepared to pay the price.

I say that we will have to be prepared to pay the cost but that does not mean we necessarily have to make the sacrifice. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son for God. When he demonstrated his willingness to comply, he was told not to. The young man who was asked by Christ if he was willing to give up all he had to follow him. When he weighed the cost, he decided against it. I doubt that Jesus would have demanded he do so if he sincerely wanted to. The idea was that he be willing to do what ever it took to make God his priority.

The bible says that we must seek first the kingdom of God above all things. The love for the things of this life will only serve as a distraction and they will undermine your relationship with God. God must be first. He must have the preeminence in all things. When God becomes the most significant focus of your life, He will become closer to you and he will due course begin to remove all obstacles in order draw you closer to Him. God seeks intimacy with us. He longs for it. He is willing to provide whatever means is necessary to draw us nearer to Him. The question is – are you willing to pay the price?

Our level of closeness to God is often defined by the work we do for Him. I have a hard time accepting someone’s word when they say they have warm, loving relationship to God when they can rarely be counted on to do anything in church. Working at this relationship with God requires a lot of effort. It can be compared to a marriage. You may not have considered your relationship to God in those terms, but He does.

Jeremiah 3:14-15 Turn, O backsliding children, saith the LORD; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. (KJV)
There are at least seven levels of closeness to God. I offer these for the purpose of letting helping the reader find the level at which he or she my may be in for the purpose of helping you to understand your relationship with God. This will better help identify why we may or may not be as involved in a ministry for our maker. It will also point to the possibilities of a closer walk with God.

Most of the Christian world is stuck in some step far shorter than what they could be. They lose their fear but never give God their heart. My hope is that through this book, you will consider moving closer to God. This is what he has always wanted. Look through these steps and find out where you are in your relation ship with God.

Level One - Fearful of God

Many in the world are stuck in this first step. They are afraid of God. They come to church on rare occasions and only because they feel some obligation. They fear retribution from a mysterious God with whom they have little to no connection. Clearly, there are many more that have no fear of God at all and feel little need to attend church services. While people in this rung of the ladder are at a very low point in a relationship with God, at least one can say that it is better than nothing. Perhaps in time they will dare to come closer Many people who come to church for the first time are at this level and we need to be patient with them and show them some compassion. But the danger is in remaining at this step for any length of time. There can be little or no growth for the infrequent church goers but as we say, it is a beginning.

People in this level are impassionate, and feel uncomfortable in his presence. To invite people at this stage to get closer to God will only make them feel more out of place and they will be reluctant and even resistant to a closer association until they are ready. Exodus 20:19-21 (NIV) and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.” Moses said to the people, “Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning.” The people remained at a distance, while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was.

Does that not sound a lot like most people? There are some people who talk of their aspirations to get closer to God but only up to a certain point. When the pastor offers the congregation an opportunity to have a more meaningful relationship with the Lord, they balk. When people realize the demands required of such an affiliation, they become reluctant and even fearful.

God’s people are constantly being offered the opportunity to get closer to God but it has always seemed more convenient for someone else to serve as a go between. In the times of Exodus, this position was filled by Moses. Today, people look to a priest, pastor, or some church leader. These boundaries are set by people because they may feel uncomfortable and even incapable of such a demanding relationship. So at level one, we find a people that come close to the fire only to enjoy its warmth but they will not go further for fear of getting burned. Note how Moses explained that initial exposure to Israel who would not get out of their “comfort zone”.

Deuteronomy 5:4-5 (NIV) The Lord spoke to you face to face out of the fire on the mountain. 5 (At that time I stood between the Lord and you to declare to you the word of the Lord, because you were afraid of the fire and did not go up the mountain.) God invited the people to come out of their comfort zone and to draw nearer to Him but because of their inability to go beyond their fear, they refused the offer. He wanted them to go beyond the initial stage of being uncomfortable around to the next level of intimacy with Him.

Make no mistake; fear of God is a healthy thing to have. Fear can keep us from taking Him for granted and becoming disobedient children. But being afraid is not the same thing. When we are afraid of something, we want to run away from it. You are afraid of rattle snakes so it isn’t a bad idea to go the opposite direction. But you fear fire because of the danger it poses but you use it to an advantage while keeping a healthy respect or it. God wanted reverence, respect, and admiration but His intent was never to keep people at bay. He has always longed for a warm, lasting relationship with His creation – us.

But perhaps the people at that time knew that to get closer to God meant being proven, tested and tried by God. They simply weren’t having any of that. Perhaps people haven’t changed a great deal since those days. We still have many people today that are stuck at level one and never become part of a cohesive unit as a church is intended to be.

Level Two – Affectionate Towards God

The people feel comfortable and loving towards the Lord. They experience what some call “warm and fuzzy” feelings towards God. They look forward to coming to church and begin to attend regularly – in the beginning. They no longer come because they fear punishment if they don’t. Instead, they like the atmosphere, the warmth experienced from the church fellowship. People at this level lose enough of their fear to draw nearer to God and join in His praises. But something is missing from this form of adoration that renders their worship into something shallow or superficial.
Isaiah 29:13 (NKJ) Therefore the Lord said: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, But have removed their hearts far from Me, And their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men,

Their unwillingness to render their heart to God, robs them of a lasting relationship that would bring them a deeper, a more profound joy. Still, people have come a long way but may not realize that they have such along way to go. From what I have seen, there are a great many people in churches that are lodged into this level because these are the people that go to church services to be served and not to serve. People at this level think that church, the services, and all the trappings of organized is all about them. They think that they are the focal point of everything God and church has to offer and that the world revolves around them.

These are the people whose heart is not broken for God, because they still do not have a heart of flesh that may feel after God. They have emotions of course but not a passion for service. They Consequently, they do little or nothing to spread the gospel and take part in a viable ministry. But what is worse, people at this level can pose a greater problem to the church the longer they stay at this level of growth. They stop attending regularly because they stop fearing God! 1 Corinthians 3:3 (NIV) You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?

These Christians may look and act like God’s sheep, but they react to contentions or diverse problems in carnal way. They become envious of people who are better off them they in material or spiritual way. They may cause divisions or sow discord when things are not to their liking.
The longer they remain at this level, the greater the problems they may cause and at the same time continue to contribute little to God’s ministry. There is yet another danger; they may begin to take God for granted because of their self-centered attitude.

In time, they may begin to fall away because they won’t gain anymore from God and church than they got in the beginning because they don’t realize that we only get out of a relationship with God what we put into it. A loving, growing church develops people and invests time and effort in the people they minister to. This idea of borrowing fully grown Christians that have been molded by someone else does not being God any glory. These are people that require nurturing and a great deal of exhortation to bring them to the next level of growth.

Level Three – Growing in Spirit

At this level, people begin to bear some fruit of service to God. Young or new Christians at this level are a joy to behold because they are breaking out of the first two barren, unproductive levels. They begin to take root in the church and offer the first fruits of ministry which may be somewhat crude and rough around the edges. But one should be compelled to encourage and exhort people at this level.

But while they may offer much needed help, there are some drawbacks that are prevalent among people in level three that need to be addressed;
Jeremiah 12:2 (NIV) You have planted them, and they have taken root; they grow and bear fruit You are always on their lips but far from their hearts.

It’s like the good news bad news often heard in an entertaining yarn. The good news is we’ve got them growing and working! But the bad news is that they are often out of control. People at this level need a lot of mentoring and a great deal of patience. They may often have the best of intentions but don’t always do things the right way because they may still be a bit of a novice.
Another problem is, they may lack the cohesiveness that is necessary to integrate then into a more mature body of Christ. Others may look upon them as loose cannons that may need to be reeled in on occasion. But this needs to be handled very tactfully with a measure of diplomacy or there will be friction and confrontation. I’ve had to step in and help referee situations like this because many people are not as sensitive in managing situations like this.

I have seen this occur when an older member attempts to discipline a younger member who is struggling in some form of ministry in the church. If the older member does not handle this correction carefully, the young person or new Christian may become angry, rebellious, or resentful or all of these at once. He or she may view this as an attack or that the older person is just jealous and does not want to give them an opportunity to grow. Sometimes this could be not far from the truth but not always.

The truth is that the Lord describes them as “far from their reins.” This indicates a need for control and His desire that all that work in His service should be under the subjection of the Holy Spirit. Those who have worked among them know that not everyone that works in a ministry is under God’s reins. Sometimes in a heat of passion they may go head first into something without thinking things through. Emotions are wonderful but without the temperance of the Holy Spirit, this can often lead to problems for all concerned.

Through patience and understanding, a caring mentor can guide them through this time and can bring their service under the power of the Lord. The end result could produce a wonderful, much needed addition to your church’s ministry. Hopefully, if things are handled appropriately, these people can be led to the next important level of closeness.

Level Four – Abba Father

At this level we are able to touch God. It is the beginning of character transformation. We go beyond servants of the Lord and we become part of God’s family. At this level, you can touch God with your prayers and others come to see this and may tend to come to you to pray for them. You begin to transform into a new creature, and God imparts gifts and blessings. These are generally the people that do most of the work in church because they no longer need to be asked or prompted to do anything. Quite often, they will approach their church leaders with well thought out ideas on what needs to be done to make your church work better. The most important reason for this wonderful transformation is that their relationship with God has permitted them a chance to look at their God in a brand new way.

Galatians 4:6-7(NIV)Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. Yes their relationship with the Lord is at a more intimate level. The unique difference here lies in their comfort level of being able to call upon God in using the term “Abba.” While a servant may call upon God as Lord and master and others with a closer relationship may use the term God, people at this level may lovingly refer to Him as “Daddy.” There is a distant formality your parent “father” isn’t it? But there is a lot of close familiarity if we use the “Daddy” term isn’t it?

Yet some people would think it is presumptuous or even disrespectful to use such an expression with regards to their creator. But bear in mind that scripture says that it is the Holy Spirit that touches the heart of people in this level of closeness so that they are compelled to use this term! If you do not have a comfort level that would permit you to use this word, then I suggest to you that perhaps the Spirit has not freed your heart to do so at this time in your life. But you must not discourage anyone if they honestly feel this desire to use this sentiment themselves.

The point is that God has conferred on certain people a special relationship at this level through the spirit of adoption. He has claimed them as His own children. My experience tells me that far too many people claim to be a child of God and have insinuated a close relationship that really may not exist. It takes a lot more work at a bond with God to be considered as being part of His family. Not many people are willing to give that kind of effort at this level o affiliation.

A lot of people believe that all it takes is a profession of faith in Christ and baptism to enjoy a relationship with God at this level. But I say to you that those things are what give you an opportunity to develop a life that can aspire to reach heights of this level of closeness with God. But if proof of this can be measured by the type of fruit they offer God, then I have to say I have a measure of doubt of the sincerity of such an association. If this were so, we would have a lot more people working at bringing in the harvest than we have now. Why else would Christ have lamented at the disproportion of labor and laborers?

Matthew 9:37-38 (NIV) Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”This imbalance has existed for a very long time and you might say that the more things change, the more they stay the same. But I am not referring to salvation. I am strictly addressing the relationship with God. These two points are distinctive things. We are not saved by our works for it is indeed a gift of God. Perhaps today just as back then, those that did the majority of the work felt it unfair that those who had not done as much were just as saved.

Matthew 20:11-13 (NLT) When they received their pay, they protested to the owner, ‘Those people worked only one hour, and yet you’ve paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heart. ’He answered one of them, ‘Friend, I haven’t been unfair! Didn’t you agree to work all day for the usual wage?

Quite a few believe that God will reward those did more in the next life with a greater blessing but I won’t touch that subject here because it would rob the focus of the emphasis of enjoying a lasting relationship with God. But I still believe that people at this level of closeness of “Abba Father” are enjoying a special blessing in this life that is attained by their willingness to give more of themselves in a ministry to God. These people deserve to be considered as special family member. But as unique as this association with /god as this is, there are higher levels of closeness still possible.

Level Five - Companion and Soldier of God

There is a level of closeness that goes beyond becoming a family member. As we have stated, a family member who enjoys a close bond with God because he enjoys laboring for the Lord, there is a type of people who are companions of God. These people distinguish themselves as companions of God and serve in some very important ministry. While some people work at some ministry, these people war against evil. While those in the previous level serve in a reactive type of ministry, companions of God are more proactive in their ministry.Philippians 2:25 (NLT) Meanwhile, I thought I should send Epaphroditus back to you. He is a true brother, co-worker, and fellow soldier. And he was your messenger to help me in my need.

These are people that are actively involved in whatever is necessary to advance the gospel. Here are the missionaries, the fellow soldiers who have committed their lives to a noble quest that few of us could imagine. Not many of us would be able to leave families and the comfortable confines of home to pursue a high calling. These are the people that were responsible for building churches, fighting against principalities over some injustice, and if dying for the gospel if necessary.

These are devoted to the gospel and will go to great lengths to deny themselves any of the comforts of life that will detract from the battles they fight for God. To be considered a companion of God requires great sacrifice that not many of us would be able to endure. 2 Timothy 2:3-5 (NLT) Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 Soldiers don’t get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them. 5 And athletes cannot win the prize unless they follow the rules.

This is a hard life but the companion of God has been called to a life of devotion that is considered a great honor. Paul left home and family and one never heard of him taking a wife. Many of the apostles lost their lives for their ministry and went cold and hungry and did not always know where they would sleep.

Many of these people lost their lives for the gospel. They denied themselves the comfort of home and many of them left behind families in order to go on some noble quest that they may have felt drawn to by the Holy Spirit. It is a great sacrifice of time and often lives that was necessary to accomplish what these people have done. Perhaps this role has not been as common as it must have been in days gone by. But it is possible that there will be a greater need for people of this caliber to fill this role in the latter days as we go into the end times.

Of course, not everyone is designed for this kind of life. There is no shame in not being able to fill this role. Remember that as we define these levels of closeness, we are not referring to the matter of salvation but instead the level of intimacy or familiarity with the Lord. I must also say that there are many people who could not handle this degree of nearness to their maker. There are lines people will draw that they dare not cross. For example, not everyone is willing to go to every church service. From this group that would, not all of them would want to have a responsibility of holding a bible study. From the group of people that be willing to do this, how many of those would be willing to serve as an ordained minister? Far fewer than still, I’m sure. But I think you get the message.

As we travel up these levels of closeness to God, that group becomes narrower and narrower until the last group which has a small group of elite people. These people deserve respect and admiration not because they are superior in some way nor more saved than anyone else. But because they have a noble role they play in the kingdom of God.

Level Six – Friend of God

At this level, God strips away everything that is sinful and not convenient for this level of intimacy with God. These people are molded by God into a special creature that is especially set apart from the world for the express purpose of serving God in a wonderful unique way. Everything is left behind for his service and devotion. Moses and Abraham were perfect examples of men who were called friends of God.
James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. (KJV)

These were men of great faith who were just as human as we are but were willing to go anywhere and do anything in order to please God. They did this because they had a deep devotion and commitment to God because of their strong love for the Lord. I mentioned earlier that many of us draw lines that we will not cross for anyone including God. But I can’t say that this applies to people in this level of closeness. I doubt that we have seen many over the past centuries.

Abraham was asked to leave his people, his country and go to a place that God would show him later and to do something that he would explain to him as he went along. How many people would have that kind of relationship with God that would be willing to do such a thing? Very few I’m sure! This is why not many people have been defined by God as a friend. Most of us would feel blessed to be just a child of God. But it is something quite special to be called a friend of God.

How many of us would be willing to sacrifice our only child if called upon by God to do so? God did not want the blood of Abraham’s child. What he wanted was the type of friendship that had no bounds. How many of us would even be willing to leave our child’s side in order to go serve the Lord much less offer him up as sacrifice? There have been many times people have begged off from some church work because they had family matter to attend to. It is so much easier to tell a man that they had something more important to do and that they needed to get someone else. They don’t realize that it is God they are telling, “Sorry God, I really do love you but not more than my family” So you see, it requires a lot more to be able to be called a friend of God.

John 15:14-15 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. (KJV) At this level, you go beyond just being part of his family but being a close friend. The apostles went beyond servants, to sons and then to friends of God. At this level of closeness, a Christian may have to forsake his family and friends in his devotion to God. A complete character transformation occurs.

Level Seven - Intimate Friend of God

Inseparable, never out of each other’s reach, always in his presence, influential in touching other people’s lives for God. Genesis 5:21-24 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah: And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters: And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. (KJV)

Hebrews 11:5 By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. (KJV) Adam once had a close intimate relationship with God because they were inseparable.
Enoch was perhaps so close to God that he refused to let him die. At this level, you are as close to God as humanly possible.

Conclusion –

I don’t know anyone that has reached that final level today, but we know that the sky is the limit as far as getting closer to God. My prayer for the reader of this sermon article is that you will examine your life today. Are you as close to God as you can be? God instituted the church in order to make possible a ministry that will help you draw nearer to God.