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Converting From Other Formats

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 2:49 pm
by admin
The format used for posts is called BBCode. It's an easy format to use if you are entering the text manually into this bulletin board. If you have an existing document in another format, unfortunately, there are no easy ways to convert to the BBCode format.

From .doc / .docx

You can load the file into Word, select all the text, and copy that and paste it into your post. You will lose all of the formatting like headings, underlines, bold, including, sometimes, the separation between paragraphs. So, after you paste the text into your post you will need to do a lot of cleanup to restore what was lost.

There is another approach. You can load the file into Word, then save it as an HTML document, the follow the instructions for converting HTML documents. This has more steps but you lose a little less formatting, but still almost all of it.

From .htm / .html

You can load the HTML document into your browser, select all the text, and copy that and paste it into your post. You will lose most of the formatting like headings, underlines, bold, including, sometimes, the separation between paragraphs. So, after you paste the text into your post you will need to do a lot of cleanup to restore what was lost.

There is another approach. You can use an online HTML to BBCode converter. I don't have one to recommend though. I've tried many of them and they were all seriously lacking. I found that I would still have to do a lot of cleanup and also some repair.

I have created a converter of my own that does a pretty good job. Be sure to check the notes at the bottom of this page. HTMLToBBCode.php


Once the text is in the post, you will need to restore the formatting that was lost. There are buttons above the post entry field that handle the most common formatting like bold, underline, quotes, bullets, etc. They insert text like

Code: Select all

into your post that will be converted later and you can view in the preview.

There are some others you can type in manually.


Code: Select all

Yellow highlight:

Code: Select all

Image with style:

Code: Select all

Pull quote floating right:

Code: Select all

Line break (forced):

Code: Select all
